A big thank you for the generous gifts still arriving in such difficult cicumstances . We have £11,781.16 towards the hospital building . A further gift has also enabled Sahodar to help with wages. Although the number of Covid 19 cases in Nepal have not been particularly high at this stage, there is limited travel, as the country, in following others is resticting movement to contain what cases they have. Dr Shiva is separated from his family as he cares for the Garambeshi comunity. The Hospital is coping with the number of patients who present with a fever and as yet they have had no one with the Covid 19 virus. There is some concern as they lack PPE (personal protective equipment) for their staff.
Over here we are continuing with our tree knitting. Well done Barbara! (See below). The pattern is available from Becky, Holly or me if you wish to have a go .